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Last Minute Cancellation

Lindsey writes: "I was scheduled to work an overnight for a family that is not my regular nanny family. This was planned a month in advance and a few days before the overnight the mom cancelled, deciding they would take the kids with them instead. This was a $300 job and I rearranged my schedule to accommodate them. How should I handle this?"

Answer: Cancellations are an unavoidable inconvenience of working as a freelance caregiver. Sometimes they come as a welcome surprise (such as when your favorite band happens to be playing on the same night you're booked to work!), but most of the time, you agreed to work because you want to make money! So it can be extra disappointing when a big job falls through. No one knows better than this mom how much work it is to spend a weekend with her kids and she probably genuinely thought you'd be relieved to get back your weekend and spend the night in your own home. However, you're bummed about missing out on a nice payday! Not to mention all the plans you rearranged. I would let her know that although you understand plans can change this is a disappointment for you financially. She's probably not going to change her plans and give you the job back but she might feel bad and offer a small percentage or token amount to make up for it. She may offer only an apology but the important thing is, hopefully she will think twice before cancelling last minute in the future. Families have the prerogative to change their travel plans, despite what they've arranged with a caregiver, and it's unrealistic to expect a family to pay you under any circumstance, but you might want to consider requiring a $50 cancellation fee for bigger jobs cancelled only days before.

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